Research Activities

with participation of FOVUS members.

Efficient Sensor-Based Condition Monitoring Methodology for the Detection and Localization of Faults on the Railway Track (DFG)

Institute of Railway and Transportation Engineering
Institute of Engineering Geodesy

since 2023


Link to project webpage

FOR 2089: Dauerhafte Straßenbefestigung für zukünftige Verkehrsbelastungen – Gekoppeltes System Straße-Reifen-Fahrzeug (DFG)

Institute of Road and Transportation Science, Chair for Road Design and Construction



Link to project webpage

Telematics system against wrong-way drivers using GNSS and digital maps (BMWK)

Institute of Engineering Geodesy



Link to project webpage

Mobility Living Lab – The emission-free campus as a research and innovation laboratory („MobiLab“) (MWK BW)

Institute of Road and Transportation Science, Chair for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering
Institute of Electrical Energy Conversion
Institute of Automotive Enginee

since 2018


Link to project webpage

Smart, adaptive und appreciable systems for all (BMWK)

Institute for Engineering Design and Industrial Design, Department for Industrial Design Engineering

since 2024


Link to project webpage

SMART – Simulation of Telecommunication and Automotive Behavior in Real Time (BMBF)

Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering



Additional information on the project

Urban Nature Labs (EU Horizon 2020)

Institute of Landscape Planning and Ecology



Link to project webpage

Integrated Urban Climate Action for Low-Carbon & Resilient Cities (Urban-Act) (giz)

Institute of Spatial und Regional Planning
Institute of Road and Transportation Science, Chair for Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering

since 2022


Link to project webpage

Views on logistics – associations, beliefs and attitudes

Institute of Business Administration, Department of Logistics and Supply Management

since 2023


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